? Help or evaluate math expression

Usage: ?[?[?]] expression


  • Use ?i to give stdin input

  • ? eip-0x804800 show hex and dec result for this math expr

  • ?: list core cmd plugins

  • [cmd]?* Recursive help for the given cmd

  • ?! [cmd] run cmd if $? == 0
  • ?$ show value all the variables ($)
  • ?+ [cmd] run cmd if $? > 0
  • ?- [cmd] run cmd if $? < 0
  • ?= eip-0x804800 hex and dec result for this math expr
  • ?? [cmd] run cmd if $? != 0
  • ?? show value of operation
  • ?_ hudfile load hud menu with given file
  • ?a show ascii table
  • ?b [num] 🚀 show binary value of number asciinema
  • ?b64[-] [str] 🚀 encode/decode in base64 asciinema
  • ?btw num|(expr) num|(expr) num|(expr) returns boolean value of a <= b <= c
  • ?B [elem] show range boundaries like 'e?search.in
  • ?d* List all opcode descriptions. Can grep with ~
  • ?e[nbgc] string echo string (nonl, gotoxy, column, bars)
  • ?ep print PIE charts
  • ?E string clippy messages.
  • ?f [num] [str] map each bit of the number as flag string index
  • ?F flush cons output
  • ?h [str] calculate hash for given string
  • ?i can be used to pass stdin input
  • ?i[ynmkp] arg prompt for number or Yes,No,Msg,Key,Path and store in $$?
  • ?ik press any key input dialog
  • ?im message 🚀 show message centered in screen asciinema
  • ?in prompt noyes input prompt
  • ?iy prompt yesno input prompt
  • ?l[q] 🚀 str returns the length of string. Use q for quite. asciinema
  • ?o num 🚀 get octal value asciinema
  • ?O [id] List mnemonics for current asm.arch / asm.bits
    • Usage: ?O[jd] [arg] .. list all mnemonics for asm.arch (d = describe, j=json)

  • ?p vaddr get physical address for given virtual address
  • ?P paddr get virtual address for given physical one
  • ?q eip-0x804800 compute expression like ? or ?v but in quiet mode
  • ?r [from] [to] 🚀 generate random number between from-to asciinema
  • ?s from to step sequence of numbers from to by steps
  • ?S addr return section name of given address
  • ?t cmd 🚀 returns the time to run a command asciinema
  • ?T show loading times
  • ?u num get value in human units (KB, MB, GB, TB)
  • ?v eip-0x804800 show hex value of math expr
  • ?vi rsp-rbp show decimal value of math expr
  • ?vx
  • ?V show library version of r_core
  • ?w addr 🚀 show what's in this address (like pxr/pxq does) asciinema
  • ?x str 🚀 returns the hexpair of number or string asciinema
  • ?x+num like ?v, but in hexpairs honoring cfg.bigendian
  • ?x-hexst convert hexpair into raw string with newline
  • ?X num|expr 🚀 returns the hexadecimal value numeric expr asciinema
  • ?y [str] show contents of yank buffer, or set with string