
Unorganized random tips

  • Use ~/.radare2rc to make any config or cmd run everytime radare2 is loaded.
  • To run the same command multiple times, prepend the number before the command. Example: 3dc will run dc three times
  • To run radare2 without a binary, use a - as the argument instead of a filepath
  • You can get any output in less format by using [command] ~..
  • To find crypto keys, use /Ca (AES), or /Cr (RSA) keys
  • Set e asm.emu =1 to emulate cpu instructions.
  • Use ~{} after any json output to make pretty print. Ex: pdfj~{}
  • Use drr to see what values registers are pointing to. This is similar to the register view in gdb peda.
  • Use pxr for stack analysis (helpful for pwn challenges)
  • Use ~... for a HUD style navigator. Really handly searching inside functions. Example, search for calls
  • Use afn to rename functions. In visual mode, use dr instead
  • In visual mode, pressing the number inside square brackets i.e [1] will move seek to that address. This generally applies to calls or jumps
  • Set e asm.describe = true to have inline description of that each line does. This can be set in the default radare2 config file located at ~/.radare2rc
  • Search hexadecimal of a string by prepending the string with a \x . For example, / \xELF
  • To find AES or RSA keys in memory, load radare as sudo radare2 /dev/mem and then search with /Ca or /Cr
  • Use drr for register references like peda
  • Use =H inside radare2 shell to start and launch r2 webserver.
  • Set environment variables as setenv=foo=bar in the .rr file and load it along with the binary
  • Equivalent of "set-follow-fork-mode" gdb command. First, dcf until a fork happens, and then dp to see all child processes
  • When debugging a binary, use e dbg.bep=main or entry to bypass the loader. This can be made persistant in ~/.radare2rc
  • Use the back tick to wrap a command to use as the input to another command. Example. This command will take the address xref to of somestr and seek to that address. s axt str.some~[1] ```
  • The $$ represents here (current seek)
  • Press space bar to switch between V and VV
  • Use agv to open a grapviz flow graph
  • Set ?Efo` in~/.radare2rc` to show clippy style fortune messages
  • Floss has a radare2 output using -r
  • When commenting out a line in ~/.radare2rc , dont do #foo . Use # foo . That space is important
  • To pass arguments to a python script inside r2 shell, use #!pipe python args
  • Most commands accept - as argument-prefix as an indication to delete something
  • Set e cfg.newtab = 1 to enable command autocompletion
  • Use ! at the end of an offset followed by the number of bytes to limit the amount of bytes that are shown. Example pxr @ esp!32
  • To set conditional breakpoints, see the example here
  • 🚀 To change the value of a local variable, use afv to find the offset, followed by whatever you want to write, like w for strings asciinema
  • Use r2 -qc /m some_file as a replacement for binwalk! e search.align can be used to tweak how the search works. Example e search.align=4k
  • Found files can be written to disk using the wtf command
  • To load contents of another program that generates r2 commands, prefix it with .!
  • To use the keystone disassbler (the default r2 is better), install it using:
    • r2pm -i keystone-lib
    • r2pm -i keystone
    • And then invoke with either r2 -a arm.ks or from shell e asm.assembler = arm.ks
  • The radare2 command line history can be found in $HOME/.config/radare2/history
  • You can use rarun profile paramaters directly using radare2 -R [arg1=foo] [stdin=bar] [preload=baz] -d binary
  • To find addresses of all functions, use s @@f
  • To search for something in memory, use /v in conjuction with e
  • To dump types, like C++, use this resource
  • Use ?v $r{register} to access register values
  • To see if analysis has been done, check aflc != 0
  • Use ?*? to show every command in r2 along with their description

Tips from fortunes

  • These tips are from the radare2 fortunes

  • Add comments using the ; key in visual mode or the CC command from the radare2 shell

  • Add custom Have you setup your ~/.radare2rc today?
  • Analyze socket connections with the socket plugin: radare2 socket:// Use w to send data
  • Assemble opcodes with the a and A keys in visual mode, which are bindings to the wa and wA commands
  • Bindiff two files with $ radiff2 /bin/true /bin/false
  • Calculate checksums for the current block with the commands starting with # (#md5, #crc32, #all, ..)
  • Change the block size with b <block-size>. In visual mode you can also enter radare2 command pressing the : key (like vi does)
  • Change the graph block definition with graph.callblocks, graph.jmpblocks, graph.flagblocks
  • Change the registers of the child process in this way: dr eax=0x333
  • Change the size of the file with the r (resize) command
  • Change the UID of the debugged process with child.uid (requires root)
  • Change your fortune types with e cfg.fortunes.type = fun,tips,nsfw in your ~/.radare2rc
  • Check your IO plugins with r2 -L
  • Command layout is: @. For example: 3x20@0x33 will show 3 hexdumps of 20 bytes at 0x33
  • Control the height of the terminal on serial consoles with e scr.height
  • Control the signal handlers of the child process with the dk command
  • Disable these messages with e cfg.fortunes = false in your ~/.radare2rc
  • Disassemble in intel syntax with e asm.syntax = intel.
  • Emulate the base address of a file with e file.baddr.
  • Enable ascii-art jump lines in disassembly by setting e asm.lines=true. asm.linesout and asm.linestyle may interest you as well
  • Enable asm.trace to see the tracing information inside the disassembly
  • Enable the PAGER with e scr.pager=less -R
  • Enhance your graphs by increasing the size of the block and graph.depth eval variable.
  • Execute a command every time a breakpoint is hit with e cmd.bp = !my-program
  • Execute a command on the visual prompt with cmd.vprompt
  • Execute commands on a temporary offset by appending @ offset to your command.
  • Find expanded AES keys in memory with /Ca
  • Find hexpairs with /x a0 cc 33
  • Find wide-char strings with the /w <string> command
  • For a full list of commands see strings /dev/urandom
  • Get a free shell with ragg2 -i exec -x
  • give | and > a try piping and redirection
  • If you want to open the file in read-write mode, invoke r2 with -w
  • In visual mode press c to toggle the cursor mode. Use tab to navigate
  • Interpret radare2 scripts with . <path-to-script>. Similar to the bash source alias command.
  • Invert the block bytes using the I key in visual mode
  • Most of commands accept ? as a suffix. Use it to understand how they work :)
  • Move around the bytes with h,j,k,l! Arrow keys are neither portable nor efficient
  • Move between your search hits in visual mode using the f and F keys
  • Move the comments to the right changing their margin with asm.cmtmargin
  • Pass -j to rabin2 to get the information of the binary in JSON format.
  • Press C in visual mode to toggle colors
  • Press c in visual mode to toggle the cursor mode
  • Print the contents of the current block with the p command
  • Reduce the delta where flag resolving by address is used with
  • Remember to maintain your ~/.radare_history
  • Rename a function using the afr <newname> @ <offset> command.
  • Review all the subcommands of aa to see better ways to analyze your targets.
  • Run .dmm* to load the flags of the symbols of all modules loaded in the debugger
  • Run your own r2 scripts in awk using the r2awk program.
  • Save your projects with Ps <project-filename> and restore then with Po <project-filename>
  • Seek at relative offsets with s +<offset> or s -<offset>
  • Select your architecture with: e asm.arch=<arch> or r2 -a from the shell
  • Set e bin.dbginfo=true to load debug information at startup.
  • Set color to your screen with e scr.color=true
  • Setup dbg.fpregs to true to visualize the fpu registers in the debugger view.
  • Show offsets in graphs with e graph.offset = true
  • Step through your seek history with the commands u (undo) and U (redo)
  • Switch between print modes using the p and P keys in visual mode
  • Temporally drop the verbosity prefixing the commands with :
  • Thanks for using radare2!
  • The ? command can be used to evaluate math expressions. Like this: ? (0x34+22)*4
  • The more a you add after aa the more analysis steps are executed.
  • The unix-like reverse engineering framework.
  • This code was intentionally left blank, try e asm.arch = ws
  • To debug a program, you can call r2 with dbg://<path-to-program> or -d <path..>
  • Toggle between disasm and graph with the space key
  • Trace register changes while debugging with e trace.cmtregs=true
  • Use -e bin.strings=false to disable automatic string search when loading the binary.
  • Use e asm.offset=true to show offsets in 16bit segment addressing mode.
  • Use e and t in Visual mode to edit configuration and track flags.
  • Use rabin2 -ris to get the import/export symbols of any binary.
  • Use zoom.byte=printable in zoom mode (z in Visual mode) to find strings
  • Use +,-,*,/ to change the size of the block
  • Use /m to carve for known magic headers. speedup with search.
  • Use hasher to calculate hashes of portion blocks of a file
  • Use rarun2 to launch your programs with a predefined environment.
  • Use scr.accel to browse the file faster!
  • Use the [ and ] keys in visual mode to adjust the screen width
  • Use the id command to see the source line related to the current seek
  • Use V! to enter into the visual panels mode (dwm style)
  • Use zoom.byte=entropy and press z in visual mode to zoom out to see the entropy of the whole file
  • You are probably using an old version of r2, go checkout the git!
  • You can copy/paste bytes using the cursor in visual mode c and using the y and Y keys
  • You can debug a program from the graph view (ag) using standard radare2 commands
  • You can mark an offset in visual mode with the cursor and the , key. Later press . to go back
  • You can redefine descriptive commands in the hud file and using the V_ command.