ec [k] [color] set color for given key (prompt, offset, ...)

Usage ec[s?] [key][[=| ]fg] [bg]
  • ec list all color keys

  • ecp 🚀 load previous color theme asciinema

  • ecn 🚀 load next color theme asciinema

  • ecH[?] highlight word or instruction

  • ec prompt red 🚀 change color of prompt asciinema

  • ec prompt red blue 🚀 change color and background of prompt asciinema
  • colors: rgb:000, red, green, blue, ...
  • e scr.rgbcolor=1|0 for 256 color cube (boolean)
  • e scr.truecolor=1|0 for 256 256 256 colors (boolean)
  • $DATADIR/radare2/cons ~/.config/radare2/cons ./

Theme modification values

ec ai.exec 
ec ai.write 
ec args 
ec b0x00              # 00 bytes
ec b0x7f 
ec b0xff              # ff bytes
ec bin                # operations like xor
ec btext              # text section opcode? first byte of opcode
ec call               # call instructions
ec cjmp               # je, jg, etc
ec cmp                # cmp instructions
ec comment            # r2 renerated comments
ec creg               # modified registries
ec flag               # flags. usually apprears above the current seek
ec fline              # function line. the boundary of a function
ec flow               # lines that show jump destinations
ec flow2 
ec fname              # function name
ec          # unselected boxes in visual graph mode
ec graph.box2         # currently selected box in visual graph mode
ec graph.box3 
ec graph.box4 
ec graph.current 
ec graph.false        # false line on visual graph mode
ec graph.true         # true line on visual graph mode
ec graph.trufae       # lines in graph that does not have true or false
ec help               # color of help explanation text
ec input 
ec jmp                # jmp instructions
ec label 
ec linehl             # highlight color when using asm.highlight
ec math               # math instructions like sub, add
ec mov                # mov instructions
ec nop                # nop instructions
ec num                # numbers
ec offset             # offset in visual mode
ec other 
ec pop                # pop instructions
ec prompt             # color for main r2 prompt
ec push               # push instructions
ec reg                # register names
ec ret                # ret opcode
ec swi 
ec trap                  
ec usrcmt            # user comment